DLL programming enhances FIT® and AED
HBM has launched a DLL (Dynamic Link Library) software tool to enhance its AED digital transducer electronics and FIT® digital load cells. Professional programming of individual application software is simplified using DLL programming and shortens development time.
The AED range is used for simplified and convenient process control and monitoring. The transducer electronics can be used for both static and dynamic applications with strain gage load cells and transducers. The range features special characteristics including real-time capability, signal conditioning and a legal for trade option.
All functions for weighing technology applications are included and there are additional software tools for service, start-up and parameterization. All common interfaces - RS 232, RS 422, RS 485, Profibus DP, CanOpen and DeviceNet – are supported.
The FIT® (Fast Intelligent Transducer) digital load cell is used in applications that require high speed and accuracy, for example, checkweighers, multi-head weighers, sorting plants, dynamic postal scales and filling machines.