Hall Sensors - The Third Sensor Technology for Joysticks
Metallux: It offers high robustness when exposed to vibrations and requires little space for installation. There are a lot of reasons why Metallux AG is using contact-free Hall Effect Technology in joysticks in addition to the standard Conductive Plastic and MetaPot technologies.
According to the technical description of the principle, when electricity flows through a simple Hall sensor and into a perpendicular magnetic field, it delivers an output voltage that is proportional to the product of the magnetic field strength and the current (Hall effect). For joystick users this means that a linear, proportional output signal for controlling vehicles, equipment and machines is created when the lever is moved, that is comparable to that of standard Conductive Plastic and MetaPot membrane sensor technology. The difference between the technologies that are standard today is, that the Hall Effect Technology is contact-free.
The MJ-4K Joystick system with Hall Technology is a stable system with a long lifetime that fully meets every aspect of the standards and norms for input and control devices as a human/machine interface. It should be emphasised that the tests to confirm the norms and ensure the electromagnetic compatibility were performed in an accredited laboratory. This means that the joystick’s robustness when exposed to external (electro-) magnetic fields has been officially verified.
The MJ-4K joystick is available as a two-axis standard version and can be equipped with specific control elements in the handle. In the standard version 0,5..4,5V (ratio metric) is available for the output signal.
The first customers are already using the joystick for serial production. The target markets are based on the joystick’s advantages, such as high robustness when exposed to vibrations, which makes the sensors suitable for use in construction equipment or lightweight speed boats, for example.
The compact design, with its emphasis on miniaturisation, is particularly beneficial in terms of the installation depth and application. The application fields include rehabilitation technology, consoles for measuring machines, construction equipment, marine technology and robotics.
Metallux AG’s line of joysticks
Joysticks with a long lifetime - suitable for industrial use, compact and robust, for precise control and use. Whether analogue or digital, whether for indoor or outdoor use, Metallux joysticks can handle the most extreme conditions.
Whether using conductive plastic, MetaPot membrane technology or Hall sensors - the various technologies open up a wide range of possibilities. The joysticks and handles can be individually adapted. The PAH-free industrial joysticks made by Metallux AG offer a high level of protection.