Kistler Group on a Steady Course for Growth with Orders Up 50 %
The Kistler Group based in Winterthur, Switzerland, looks back on a successful 2010 financial year with sales increasing 34 % to 213 million Swiss francs. Without the negative currency effects this would have been a new record year.
The recovery of the world economy, and particularly the boom in the Asian automobile industry, mean things are also taking off for the Kistler Group. Sales were boosted 34 % on the previous year to reach 213 million francs. The order trend was even more impressive, with growth of 50 % compared with 2009 to top 240 million Swiss francs.
The fastest increase in production was achieved in the factories in Germany and the USA. Various productivity boosting measures enabled this growth to be managed largely with the existing workforce. However, new jobs will be created at all sites over the coming months, with 34 positions currently on offer at Winterthur alone.
The Kistler Group's decision to avoid layoffs during the crisis in 2009 has paid dividends. It made it possible to cope with the spectacular increase in demand, particularly in the second half of 2010. In the face of the economic storm we managed to drive forward without delay our strategic orientation as a supplier of system solutions.
Like numerous other Swiss exporters the Kistler Group is suffering from the strong Swiss franc. The current exchange rates are making exports from the Winterthur factory more expensive while reducing consolidated group profits.
Rolf Sonderegger, CEO of the Kistler Group, is very confident about the 2011 financial year and expects growth to remain dynamic over the coming months: "We were off to a good start in the New Year, production is in full swing and the order books are full. A further strengthening in the euro and the US dollar at this point would create the right conditions for 2011 to be a record year."
Kistler Group:
Kistler’s core competence is the development, production and use of sensors for measuring pressure, force, torque and acceleration. Kistler’s know-how and electronic systems can be used to prepare measuring signals for use in analyzing physical processes, controlling and optimizing industrial processes, improving product quality in manufacturing and improving performance in sports and rehabilitation.
Kistler offers a comprehensive range of sensors and systems for engine development, automotive engineering, plastics and metal processing, installation technology and biomechanics.
A worldwide sales presence in the form of 25 group companies and 30 distributors ensures customer proximity, application support on an individual level and short lead times.
With a staff of about 1 050, the Kistler Group is one of the world’s leading providers of dynamic measuring instrumentation. The Kistler Group achieved turnover of 213 million Swiss Francs in the 2010 financial year.