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Colibrys appoints Marco Rossi as Vice-President Sales & Marketing

15 December 2015

Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, December 15, 2015. Colibrys reinforces its organization to drive the expansion of its business and strengthen its leadership in high-performance MEMS, by appointing Marco Carlo Rossi as Vice-President Sales & Marketing.

With more than 15 year experience in executive positions for STMicroelectronics, Marco Carlo Rossi will be leading the renewal of the portfolio, the development of new product lines and the continued development of the worldwide sales organization.

As the former Head of Strategic Planning in STMicroelectronics Mr. Rossi has a broad and deep vision of the industry and a strong stance in organization and execution. He managed, from 2008 to 2013, the corporate business intelligence team and drove the product-portfolio analysis with the divisions worldwide.

As Marketing Director for STMicroelectronics Mobile Phone Platforms, Mr. Rossi led the definition and the market development of the world first and most innovative multimedia application processor for smartphones.

Mr. Rossi co-chaired the European chapter of the Global Semiconductor Alliance from 2011 to 2013.
He is Electronic Engineer with a Master in Microelectronics, graduated from the University of Genoa, Italy. In the course of his career, Mr. Rossi founded and launched 2 start-ups.

“The vision for the company has evolved to a new level since the integration in the Safran Group. Connecting the vision to execution in our product strategy and sales organization is essential to our success”, comment Patrick Gougeon – Colibrys CEO. “We are excited to welcome in Colibrys an executive of Marco’s stature. His experience in aligning a sales & marketing organization to “make it happen” is key at this moment of strong anticipated growth due to the renewal of our portfolio, and the potential of diversification. His in-depth knowledge of the global industry gained as a top-executive for a leading player in the field is an asset for our medium term ambitions. We have also found that Marco’s venture in entrepreneurship will fit well with Colibrys size and culture”.

About: Colibrys (Sagem, Safran) is a Swiss MEMS manufacturer, providing capacitive accelerometers and gyros resistant to harsh environments. Its products are designed for accuracy and offer the best performance stability combined with shock resistance, as well as the lowest non-linearity and noise in the marketplace. Colibrys sensors are used in numerous safety-critical applications to measure acceleration, inclination, vibration and angular rate. For more information:

  • Colibrys (Switzerland) Ltd
    Av. des Sciences 13
    1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
    Switzerland / Europe
    Tel.: +41 58 100 5000
    Fax: +41 58 100 5001
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