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Joysticks in the medical technology

Joysticks in the medical technology

12 June 2011

Fine-adjustment of operation tables and chairs

Korb, Germany, 2011-06-01. Metallux: Precise joysticks to finely adjust medical equipment are essential in the medical technology. Precision and robustness combined with a relatively small design are characteristics of Metallux joysticks.

To fine adjust operation chairs via foot control Metallux joysticks are reliably used. With the new generation of joysticks, mechanical failures are non-existent. This type of application translates into a notable increase of service comfort for the operator. By now operation tables and CT-equipment are controlled by joysticks. A special solution with USB-interface has been developed for internal medicine, especially for the Nephrology sector.

Intensive cleaning and disinfection in hospitals can lead to reduced life cycle of conventional joysticks. This is not the case with Metallux joysticks which due to their design are working reliable even under the toughest conditions.

Mechanic and sensors are designed and manufactured in house, which leads to an optimal match of all the components. This results in reliable and top quality joysticks, distinguishing themselves as precise and robust.

Outstanding characteristics of the Metallux joysticks

A notable weight saving is achieved through a compact design size. In various applications is this an important criterion. Design engineers have therefore more design-freedom whilst developing service units.

Positive as well are the matched components, selected to tribological considerations and extensively tested. Virtually none of the Metallux joystick variants require lubricants such as grease and oils. Without these lubricants our joysticks are “neutral” or not influenced by other materials, like electronic components, which are often in the immediate vicinity.

These outstanding characteristics lead to a life span of at least 5 mio. cycles.

Another advantage of our joysticks is the choice of available sensor technologies. Most used in our joysticks are PCB-and MetaPot sensors. PCB technology has proved itself as a reliable and very precise sensor system over the last few decades. MetaPot membrane sensors, also manufactured in house, are well tried and tested. Another technology e.g. Hall is also utilized.

Small batch series with low volumes are entertained by Metallux as are high volume customers. We pride ourselves by being able to look after both satisfactorily.

About Metallux:

Metallux AG is a high performance manufacturer of electronic components produced in thick film technology.

The German company boasts a vast variety of services and offers next to their standard program of pressure, linear and rotative as well as membrane sensors, high voltage and brake resistors, also custom specific solutions including customised potentiometers and joysticks.

A strong customer orientation coupled with ideas and solutions makes for satisfied customers. Innovative products, a multitude of granted patents, long standing experience - numerous customers in the automotive industry, electrostatic-, medical- and industrial-electronic industries depend already for 25 years on the Swabian company Metallux, a pioneer in its field.

  • Metallux AG
    Robert-Bosch-Str. 29
    D-71397 Leutenbach-Nellmersbach
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.: +49 (0)7195-5980-0
    Fax: +49 (0)7195-5980-300
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