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Digital Revolution in Measurement Technology

Digital Revolution in Measurement Technology

14 June 2024

MicroControl: Our new PCB, which can be installed directly in the sensor, revolutionizes the way sensor data is recorded and processed. By integrating this board into the sensor, the entire sensor is digitized, enabling more precise and faster data acquisition.

Read more in our News Blog

Easy Implementation and Provision of Samples

Our sales team is available for further information about our range of I/O modules and availability of sample modules from our portfolio. This will give you the opportunity to test our new technology in your specific application and experience the benefits first-hand.

Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Formula Student Team- You brake, you lose

At the end of May, the Formula Student Team had the honour of presenting its new car for the upcoming races of the 2024 competitions. MicroControl takes pride in supporting the Formula Student Team with a its wealth of CAN expertise.

Rollout G24e

Summer Training Online CAN and CANopen

In July we again offer online training courses about CAN bus basics and CANopen an. Our presence in the various BUS markets and over 25 years of experience guarantee relevant and up-to-date hands-on course contents. For more information, please visit our course pages at:

CAN bus basics (09 + 10 July) and CANopen (23 + 24 July)

Courses in German are offered from 09.00 am - 13.00 pm, courses in English are offered from 2.30 pm – 6.30 pm (German times)

We also offer custom courses which can be tailored to your company’s specific requirements and timelines. Just contact us for more information.

We look forward to your reply!

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