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Interesting Webinars – Get to know CAN-Bus and keep up to date!

Interesting Webinars – Get to know CAN-Bus and keep up to date!

14 January 2022
  • You already use CAN-bus, but would like to exploit the opportunities more effectively?
  • Or you are new to CAN-Bus and want to avoid mistakes? 
  • You have worked with other fieldbuses before and look for an introduction to the CAN features?

Benefit form MicroControl's expertise and attend our webinars!

MicroControl's presence in various BUS markets and our expertise gained in 25 years of experience guarantee relevant and up-to-date hands-on webinars. Increase quality and efficiency of your development projects, reduce time to market and give your products the competitive edge.

In our webinar CAN Basics you will acquire valuable basic skills – irrespective whether you are a customer of MicroControl or not..

Our webinars CANopen and J1939 focus on the opportunities of these standard protocols and how they can help to reduce your development time.

Our webinars yield substantial benefits: 

  • reduced costs
  • reduced time 
  • increased efficiency
  • last-minute registration possible.

Get registered now!

  • CAN Basics: 08/09 February 2022
  • CANopen: 15/16 February 2022
  • J1939: 08/09 March 2022

The webinars are held in 2 compact sessions of 4 hrs each via Zoom – and will be held in German or English as desired.

MicroControl also offers individual webinars which are tailored to the requirements of your company, the skills of your staff and your current projects.

Best regards,
Torsten Krahl, CTO and Head of Training Dept.

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