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Bringing together what belongs together: Mixed Operation of up to 40 Axes with One Controller

Bringing together what belongs together: Mixed Operation of up to 40 Axes with One Controller

30 May 2016

During operation, it is often necessary for several drive axes to work together. On top of that, further motion controllers are necessary, which have to be started up individually and must be connected to the higher-level control. The time and financial resources required for this should not be underestimated.

With the PIMotionMaster, PI (Physik Instrumente) from Karlsruhe, has found a practical solution: The modular controller brings together what belongs together into a compact rack, whose size depends on the requirements of the user. Up to 40 axes can be controlled in mixed operation, for example, DC motors, piezo drives or magnetic direct drives. The processor and interface module (master module) is always the "heart" of the controller and is connected to the higher-level control via a USB or Ethernet interface. The necessary drive modules are simply slotted into the rack and fixed with two screws. The master module automatically detects the controller module type. The multi-axis modular controller can be expanded just as quickly. If a further axis is required, the user just inserts the additional controller module.

PI in Brief

Well-known for the high quality of its products, PI (Physik Instrumente) is one of the leading players in the global market for precision positioning technology. PI has been developing and manufacturing standard and OEM products with piezo or motor drives for 40 years. In addition to four locations in Germany, the PI Group is represented internationally by fifteen sales and service subsidiaries.

  • Physik Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG
    Auf der Römerstraße 1
    76228 Karlsruhe
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.: +49(0)721-4846-0
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