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Sensor Technology Ltd

It's safer than you thought to belt up

Sensor Technology: When building a replacement rig for a global seatbelt manufacturer they used a highly sensitive transducer from Sensor Technology instead of a standard one, which highlighted previously undetected large torque oscillations...

Lifting is going wireless

Lifting is going wireless

Sensor Technology: New wireless control technologies are being adopted by manufacturers and users of cranes and other lifting equipment. Tony Ingham of Sensor Technology Ltd explains the advantages and looks at how the field is developing. Most of...


LoadSense Handheld Receiver

Sensor Technology: The wireless LoadSense Handheld Receiver - Display is used in conjunction with the wireless LoadSense load sensor. It provides the user with an easy way to receive and view data from the load sensor. Up to 9 load sensors can be...


LoadSense Wireless Load Sensor

Sensor Technology: The wireless LoadSense load sensor is a strain gauge based stainless steel tension type sensor. Available in sizes from 1 tonne to 10 tonnes (with other sizes to follow), it has the capability of wirelessly transmitting its data...

Long service motors tested after re-engineering

Long service motors tested after re-engineering

Sensor Technology: Specialist industrial motor manufacturer Solutions Engineering in Stoke on Trent is able to test the performance of its motors, having built a test station to its own specification based around a piezo electric torque...


Lotus Hybrid Blooms

Sensor Technology: The torque-current characteristics of a combined motor-generator developed for a Lotus-based hybrid car have been comprehensively mapped by a TorqSense digital torque sensor. Specialist electromagnetic design company Elektro...

Low capacity torque sensors open up new worlds of plant and machinery control

Low capacity torque sensors open up new ...

Sensor Technology: New low capacity models of Sensor Technology’s non-contact torque sensors offer accurate measurement down to 200mNm (0.2Nm), for applications such as precision and high speed robots, medical devices, protheses and...

Making sense of real-time load measurement

Making sense of real-time load measurement

Sensor Technology: The handling of dry bulk materials used to be a completely manual process, but it is now being increasingly automated in a drive to reduce both the costs and the risks of injury, while also increasing throughput and accuracy. We...

Mass market electric vehicles getting revved up for launch

Mass market electric vehicles getting revved ...

Sensor Technology: Saietta Group Ltd is a UK based research and development company which designs motors for light-weight electric vehicle (EV) propulsion. The company’s latest innovation is the ‘S-AC’ which is an ultra-efficient...

Measuring shaft torque in challenging environments

Measuring shaft torque in challenging ...

Sensor Technology: Measuring torque on rotating shafts on a test rig is one thing, but the environmental challenges of real world applications can quickly impact on the functionality and reliability of torque transducers, as Mark Ingham of Sensor...

Measuring torque without slip rings

Measuring torque without slip rings

Sensor Technology: TorqSense Rotary Torque Sensors, made by Sensor Technology Ltd, are unlike traditional slip ring transducers. They use a simple non-contact radio link for collecting real-time torque signals, letting machine builders and control...

Measuring torque without slip rings

Measuring torque without slip rings

Sensor Technology: TorqSense Rotary Torque Sensors, made by Sensor Technology Ltd, are unlike traditional slip ring transducers. They use a simple non-contact radio link for collecting real-time torque signals, letting machine builders and control...

Measuring viscosity wirelessly

Measuring viscosity wirelessly

Sensor Technology: If precise mixing is a crucial process variable, viscosity measurement may be the most accurate way to ensure optimum performance. But rotating mixers can lead to very tangled wiring, so here Mark Ingham of Sensor Technology Ltd...

Mini-Mixer will be the torque of many industries

Mini-Mixer will be the torque of many industries

Sensor Technology: A torque sensor is helping analyse recipes’ mixing properties in a project that could slash development costs in the food and plastics industry and help nanotechnology advances in the pharmaceuticals world. The research and...

Mobile harbour equipment can automatically generate commercial information

Mobile harbour equipment can automatically ...

Sensor Technology: Harbour sides are busy places, with ships docking, unloading one cargo, loading another and departing again as quickly as possible. Keeping track of all this activity and of their various and valuable cargoes is demanding yet...

New technology caps pharma bottling process

New technology caps pharma bottling process

Sensor Technology: The new TorqSense SGR530/540, being introduced throughout 2020 and 2021, measures torque using a full four element strain gauge bridge. With this, four separate strain gauges are fixed to the drive shaft of the plant or...

New torque sensor will revolutionise machine control

New torque sensor will revolutionise machine control

Sensor Technology: Machine designers have been presented with a significant new technology for measuring power in drive shafts and other rotating machine elements, following the launch of the RWT310/320 series of TorqSense Rotary Torque Sensors by...

New wave and tidal turbine concept promises clean, affordable energy

New wave and tidal turbine concept promises clean, ...

Sensor Technology: Practically infinite reliability was the defining requirement when researchers wanted to run a TorqSense torque transducer under the sea as part of extensive trials of a green energy turbine. Dependable, affordable energy from...

New wireless torque technology

New wireless torque technology

Sensor Technology has launched a new range of non-contact torque sensors based on a full four element strain gauge bridge design, complementing its existing non-contact sensors that use surface acoustic wave (SAW) detection. Designated the...

Non-contact technology simplifies torque monitoring and aids efficiency

Non-contact technology simplifies torque ...

Sensor Technology: Monitoring torque in a drive shaft is one of the best ways of assessing the performance of plant and machinery. However because drive shafts rotate, hard wiring a sensor into place usually requires the use of a delicate slip...

Non-contact torque sensor now mounts in moments

Non-contact torque sensor now mounts in moments

Sensor Technology: The latest model of TorqSense, the non-contact digital torque measuring system, incorporates an integral sprocket or pulley, allowing easy fit-and-forget mounting in a vast range of plant and machinery such as drum mixers,...

Novel sensors aid tidal turbine development

Novel sensors aid tidal turbine development

Sensor Technology: Non-contact torque sensors from Sensor Technology are playing a key role in the development of commercial-scale in-stream tidal turbines produced by Irish company, OpenHydro. The company is using these novel sensors, which are...

Nuclear engineers avoid contact

Nuclear engineers avoid contact

Sensor Technology: A test rig built at Centa Transmissions in Shipley is allowing the company to guarantee that the precision gearboxes it supplies to nuclear industry will never fail prematurely. Despite its critical role, the rig is essentially...

Optical rotary torque sensors suitable for low torque and high band width measurements

Optical rotary torque sensors suitable for ...

Sensor Technology has set new benchmark performance standards for optical rotary torque transducers, with the digital ORT 230/240 series ideal for applications when the demand is for low torque and/or high bandwidth, providing precise, dynamic...

Optical rotary torque sensors suitable for low torque and high band width measurements

Optical rotary torque sensors suitable for ...

Sensor Technology has set new benchmark performance standards for optical rotary torque transducers, with the launch of the digital ORT 230/240 series. These new optical rotary torque sensors are ideal for applications when the demand is for low...

Pay as you Sense

Pay as you Sense

Sensor Technology: Equipment rentals are increasingly helping companies overcome the hurdle of finding investment capital to fund development and verification projects. The current phase of the economic cycle, recovery from a slowdown, is always...

Pay as you Sense

Pay as you Sense

Sensor Technology: Equipment rentals are increasingly helping companies overcome the hurdle of finding investment capital to fund development and verification projects. The current phase of the economic cycle, recovery from a slowdown, is always...

Precision mixing contains costs for product development

Precision mixing contains costs for product ...

Sensor Technology: A pre-pilot mixing plant is using wireless TorqSense transducers for ultra-accurate viscosity measurement of high-value compounds. The plant is used to prepare small batches of compounds from shampoo and detergent to cosmetics,...

Pump and valve innovator finds a test rig technology that talks the torque

Pump and valve innovator finds a test rig ...

Sensor Technology: To analyse the long term performance and reliability of hard working valves and pumps, serial innovators Manchester-based Bifold Group has adopted radio frequency based torque transducers from Sensor Technology Ltd for two of...

Putting feeling to drugs safety and handling

Putting feeling to drugs safety and handling

Sensor Technology: Total traceability extends to packaging as well as product in the rarefied world of pharmaceuticals. Capcoder Ltd has adopted a novel torque sensing system as the core of the datalogging capabilities of its bottle sealing...

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