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Texense EC-CAN: electrical conductivity sensor

Texense EC-CAN: electrical conductivity sensor

12 April 2024

In February 2024, the hybrid hydrogen-electric light aircraft ‘Blériot’ developed by Beyond Aero has flown, powered by a bespoke powertrain solution developed by H2 Motronics, a subsidiary of Texys Group. The brand-new EC-CAN electrical conductivity sensor from core brand Texense was onboard.

Following 3 years of intense development with our H2-K hydrogen fuel cell racing motorcycle proof of concept, H2 Motronics has been particularly developing new solutions designed to be integrated inside the hydrogen ecosystem. In addition, we have been designing specific, tailor-made embedded sensors to provide extremely valuable measurement data on our application. One of those sensors is the EC-CAN, which we are proud to introduce to you today.

The EC-CAN electrical conductivity sensor is a proven solution for measuring electrical conductivity. Our sensor has already successfully been installed and used on H2-K’s dyno, our hydrogen fuel cell racing motorcycle proof of concept. Texys Group and H2 Motronics are also proud suppliers of a fuel cell hydrogen powertrain and tailor-made sensors, such as the EC-CAN and the PTH-CAN, integrated into our customer’s hybrid hydrogen-electric aircraft, used under highly demanding conditions.

The EC-CAN is a reliable choice for projects requiring high-precision electrical conductivity measurements, integrating easily into complex systems. This sensor is designed to be compact, making it easy to fit into confined spaces. The sensor offers both a digital CAN output and an analog output, allowing you to adapt it to your control system. Customizable, just like every sensor among our range, you can customize the baud rate for optimum communication. Thanks to its built-in temperature compensation, the EC-CAN will be accurate, even in the event of temperature variations, with an accuracy of 0.01 µS/cm for high quality measurements. With a measurement range of 0 to 500 µS/cm, our sensor is adaptable to a wide range of applications.

Key features: 

  • Electrical conductivity sensor with proven reliability under demanding conditions 
  • Compact size & easy integration into complex systems and tight spaces
  • CAN + Analog output • Customizable baud rate for optimum communication 
  • 1 kHz sampling frequency for real-time measurements 
  • Integrated temperature compensation
  • Accuracy of 0.01 µS/cm for high-quality measurements 
  • Measurement range: 0 to 500 µS/cm, suitable for a multitude of applications

  • Texys International
    ZA des Chamonds
    16 rue Edouard Branly
    58 640 Varennes Vauzelles
    France / Europe
    Tel.: +33 (0)386 21 27 18
    Fax: +33 (0)386 21 24 49
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