eNod: digital measurement power 3 !
With its new digital transmitter eNod, SCAIME offers a low-cost and powerful solution to convert any strain gauge sensor into an intelligent digital system. eNod integrates three advanced operating modes allowing control of static or dynamic processes.
1. Digital transmitter : eNod heart is built on the latest generation of 24 bits analog-todigital converter allowing high speed as well as highly accurate measurement acquisition. Thus, eNod is able to meet 1200 measurement/second transmission rate with an available resolution of 1 million divisions.
2. Dynamic weighing controller : eNod integrates intelligent functions dedicated to dynamic weighing (checkweighing, sorting, filling…). eNod carries out acquisition at very high speed and automatically calculate the dynamic weight value.
3. Manufacturing process controller : eNod allows the acquisition of values directly usable by any automated system (instantaneous measurement, peak values) dedicated to factory automation.
eNod provides RS485/232 and CANbus outputs supporting MODBUS-RTU, SCMbus and CANOpen protocols. Each module has 2 logical inputs and outputs allowing synchronization with a PLC as well as alarms management. To make easy eNod implementation, SCAIME offers eNodView, a PC freeware for set up and calibration, measurement acquisition as well as digital filtering simulation.