Ambient Assisted Living Systems – Perfect with Heimann Sensor’s Infrared Thermopile Array 32x32d
Heimann Sensor: An increasing number of people in need for care are dependent on one of the Ambient Assisted Living (short AAL) tools available on the market. The reason is their wish for independency and security while living in a single household. Simultaneously, the protection of their personal data has become more relevant.
We can provide the necessary high-quality thermopile arrays for your AAL systems that enable continued independence while securing data protection. For example, our infrared thermopile array HTPA 32x32d, integrated into your warning system, can detect the falling person and ensure fast medical aid. Moreover, the HTPA 32x32 L2.1 or L2.5 provide the sufficient resolution and adequate field of view, while the identification of the person remains impossible.
If you would like to get in contact with us for further information and discuss about the possible collaboration, don’t hesitate to call us at +49 6123 605030 or through email: sales@heimannsensor.com.