Balluff distance measurement – the best solution for all your applications
Compatible sensor systems increase added value
The sheer variety of different tasks in the automation industry creates a need for a wide range of different sensor system solutions. Balluff draws from a comprehensive portfolio that currently incorporates six different distance measurement principles in order to offer its customers the best cost-effective solution while ensuring maximum functional reliability and flexibility.
Whether injection molding machines, placement machines, drives or material inspection equipment – operating any of these without an automated movement detection system would be unthinkable. A range of distance measurement principles that are predestined for special areas of application on the basis of specific characteristics have been developed precisely for this purpose. The decision to select specific sensors for distance measurement depends on requirements.
Optimized solutions for greater efficiency
Balluff has extended its distance measurement portfolio to offer the best solutions for specific requirements. Distance measurement systems can only achieve satisfactory results when adapted perfectly to the application in hand. In this respect, Balluff is far superior to suppliers that only offer a single distance measurement principle. Many suppliers often recommend an inadequate system that force the user to make compromises with regard to requirements due to a lack of alternatives. The consequence: the machines perform well below par, which reduces competitiveness and incurs additional costs due to the time lost. Perfect results that relate not only to the actual measurement, but also to associated factors such as manufacturing efficiency, can only be achieved with a comprehensive range of distance measurement systems.
A specific system selected in the basis of the measurement distance does not usually attain the required degree of success. There are different ways of selecting a suitable working principle and more often than not, more than one working principle is required for any given task. Balluff knows all about the details of each individual principle and is therefore in a perfect position not only to provide sound advice to customers but also to supply them with a wide range of systems. Balluff offers a comprehensive assortment of distance measurement products for every task and responds to trends in automation engineering by designing new products and further developing existing systems.