Baumer encoders with Powerlink certificate
Baumer: The Plugfest of the Ethernet Powerlink Standardization Group (EPSG) was the venue for successful certification of the Baumer optical and magnetic encoders with Powerlink interface and software version 1.5.6. The certificate confirms compliance to Powerlink specification DS301 V1.1.0. The stringent requirements on EPSC- certified Powerlink products ensure premium quality at international level, in addition they comply with CANopen Profile DSP 406 and hence enable quick integration in the application.
These encoders with optical sensing technique are predestined for demanding applications in terms of precision, dynamics and shaft synchronization. They boast of resolutions up to 262.144 steps singleturn and 65.536 revolutions multiturn. With 0.01° precision and ultimately high synchronization with jitter within the 500 ns range they improve machine outputs, for example by speeding up the filling process in bottling installations.
Encoders with robust magnetic sensing are the product to choose for harsh environments. They provide up to 4096 steps per turn and up to 65.636 revolutions. Withstanding shocks and vibration up to 500 g respectively 30 g they ensure reliable operation even under extreme conditions.
Solid shaft designs with clamping or synchro flange and models with 12 or 14 mm blind hollow shaft offer ideal capabilities for easy mechanical integration.
Baumer Group
The Baumer Group is an international leading manufacturer and developer of sensors, encoders, measuring instruments and components for automated image-processing. Baumer combines innovative technology and customer-oriented service into intelligent solutions for factory and process automation and offers a uniquely wide range of related products and technologies. With around 2,300 employees and 37 subsidiaries and in 19 countries, the family-owned company is always close to the customer. Industrial clients in many sectors gain vital advantages and measurable added value from the worldwide consistency of Baumer’s high quality standards and its considerable innovative potential. For further information, visit www.baumer.com on the internet.