BC-TECH HOLDING AG acquired Electrovac Hermetic Packages
Kindly note a transfer of ownership of the business division Electrovac Hermetic Packages.
We hereby should like to let you know that the business division Electrovac Hermetic Packages has been taken over by the Swiss BC-TECH HOLDING AG, represented by their chairman and owner Mr Christian Bargähr as of 1st June 2010.
The business division of the Electrovac Hermetic Packages comprises
- Electrovac Hacht & Huber GmbH at Salzweg near Passau, Germany
- Electrovac Metal- Glaseinschmelzungs GmbH at Klosterneuburg near Vienna, Austria
- And the French distribution company Electrovac France SARL near Paris, France.
The rights in the trademark Electrovac have also been transferred to BC-TECH HOLDING AG. Thus both the names of the individual companies and the homepage www.electrovac.com will remain unchanged.
The strategic alignment of BC-TECH and Electrovac Hermetic Packages will in future solely focus on developing and producing hermetically sealed packages including the manufacturing of their components as well as electroplating technologies. With a staff of more than 350 highly qualified employees at three production sites and a great deal of innovative strength we are fit and prepared for new projects of product development together with you as our customer.
Your current contact persons in their present locations will remain the same.
Thank you for the trust you have placed in our company. We are looking forward to doing continued business in a constructive and target oriented way with you as our partners in order to further our market positioning.