Capacitive sensors with new technology
The latest range of capacitive sensors from Micro-Epsilon is based on a completely new technology. A special ceramic substrate provides the capaNCDT CSH (Hybrid) sensors with extreme temperature stability. New sensor geometries are also possible which enable the production of a sensor with a height of 4mm. These flat sensors are called capaNCDT CSH-FL. Using two drilled holes on the sensor, the flat sensors can be mounted quickly and easily; as before, the cylindrical sensors can be mounted by clamping The sensors are also available for use in ultra-high vacuums (UHV) and clean rooms where, for example, freedom from contamination of the materials is also important. Due to the integrated cable on the sensor side, there are two significant benefits: installation space is significantly reduced and the risks arising from an additional plug connector, e.g. accidental detachment, are eliminated. The new technology and the modular design of the sensor enable Micro-Epsilon to respond very quickly to customer requirements. The CSH sensors are currently available with measuring ranges between 0.2mm and 1.2mm. Other measuring ranges are being developed. The hybrid sensors therefore supplement the previous range of sensors. Except for the DT6019, the sensors function with all Micro-Epsilon electronics units.