Cermet - High Voltage Potentiometer POC
Especially for measuring systems, operating under high voltage
Metallux offers a wide spectrum of precision potentiometers in printed circuit board-and foil technology. Metallux designed, specifically for measuring systems working under high voltage like spectrometers, an adjustable voltage divider of up to 2,5KV.
Application of the Metallux precision sensors was up till now limited on the low voltage range. Especially for spectrometers, electric filters, electrostatic oil separators and oscilloscopes which operate under high voltage. Metallux now manufactures an adjustable voltage divider of up to 2,5KV.Metallux – High voltage potentiometers series POC 400 are available with variable resistance values. The print onto ceramic warrants superior insulation characteristics.
Technical data: High voltage potentiometer POC 400
- Operating voltage: 2,5 KV
- Diameter: 400mm
- Linear tolerance: +-4%
- Temperature co-efficiency: 50ppm/°C
- Operating temperature: -20 °C to +70 °C
- Rotation angle: 305°
- Resistance value: 5MOhm / 10MOhm / 15MOhm
A broad range of applications are now available because of the various resistance values, extremely good linearity and low temperature co-efficiency. The housing design allows operation in a potted condition. Well worth mentioning are the excellent temperature co-efficiency and the high operating voltage compared to conventional potentiometers. The exceptional compact design of the high voltage components is primarily achieved through the coating (potting) of the components. The sparking – and creeping distance necessary to avoid flashover is reduced.
The potentiometer was designed for assembly of the PCB. Mounting of the potentiometer onto the PCB offers additional mechanical stability. Also the electrical connection of the potentiometer has been designed for assembly of the PCB.
In addition the High Voltage Potentiometer can be fixed with two screws. The housing is sealed in such a way that the potting compound cannot reach the resistive track. Meticulously chosen and under the strictest conditions tested materials ensure a permanent reliable function. The plastic housing is resistant against chemically aggressive media. The paste-wiper/crabber combination has been optimised regarding reliability and long term stability.
This newly developed design is currently the only true high voltage potentiometer on the market. As a component in the spectrometer it offers as a set point device the possibility for an exact analysis of the composition of an- organic and organic substances and materials ; be it industry as well as food industry. Furthermore the POC is suitable for applications in electrostatic oil separators, electric filters and oscilloscopes.
Precision potentiometers by Metallux AG
Metallux AG manufactures standard potentiometers and custom specific solutions in plastic, aluminium and stainless steel. Various designs- and lengths of axles, flanges, flexible connection technologies, robust slide-and ball bearings as well as various angles make them ideal for industrial- and automotive applications.
Especially the MetaPot membranesensors offer many new possibilities and new application uses. With a encapsulated installation height of only 500µm and a wide temperature range this technology is setting new benchmarks. Linear or rotativ, from 50 to 500 mm- dimension- and design possibilities are nearly unlimited. Only minimum space is required as the MetaPot can be glued directly and the wiper is already part of the tool. The magnetic foil sensor MMP is based on the MetaPot membrane technology and therefore combines the proven technologies with a contactless and absolutely wear less magnetic potentiometer tap.
About Metallux:
Metallux AG is a high performance manufacturer of electronic components produced in thick film technology.
The German company boasts a vast variety of services and offers next to their standard program of pressure, linear and rotative as well as membrane sensors, high voltage and brake resistors, also customspecific solutions including customised potentiometers and joysticks.
A strong customer orientation coupled with ideas and solutions makes for satisfied customers. Innovative products, a multitude of granted patents, long standing experience - numerous customers in the automotive industry, electrostatic-, medical- and industrial-electronic industries depend already for 25 years on the Swabian company Metallux, a pioneer in its field.