CO2, T and RH room transmitter with new housing colours
The EE800 room transmitter from E+E Elektronik combines CO2, temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) measurement in a single device. It is ideal for use in demand-controlled ventilation and indoor climate control. In addition to the standard housing colour “signal white”, the EE800 is now also available in "anthracite grey" and "white aluminum", which are the most common colours of light switches and power sockets.
Besides modern design and new housing colours, the EE800 impresses by its technical features. The dual wavelength NDIR CO2 measuring principle with auto-calibration is highly insensitive to contamination, compensates for ageing effects and leads to outstanding long-term stability. Additionally, the multi-point CO2 and temperature factory adjustment ensures excellent CO2 measurement accuracy across the entire temperature working range.
Out of the RH and T measured values, EE800 calculates the dew point temperature. The versions with Modbus RTU or BACnet MS/TP interface calculate also further physical quantities, such as absolute humidity, mixing ratio or specific enthalpy. The digital interfaces allow for easy integration into a modern bus system for building automation.
The EE800 versions with analogue outputs (current or voltage) also feature an optional passive temperature output.
An optional USB configuration adapter facilitates easy setup and adjustment of the device.
Further room transmitters
In addition to the EE800, the E+E portfolio also includes room transmitters for combined RH and T measurement (EE10), T measurement only (EE10-T) and a CO2 switch (EE80).
All E+E room transmitters are available in the new colours and with optional display. The innovative snap-on enclosure facilitates mounting of the device, which saves time and minimizes installation costs. The enclosure is available in two sizes corresponding to the EU and US standards.