Complete services package for operators of automated guided vehicles - On safe routes
With its services package, the automation company Pilz provides advice and support for the implementation of safe applications with automated guided vehicles (AGV). The offering from Pilz starts with the development of safety concepts in the design phase and continues up to commissioning, including training. As such it meets the requirements of the responsible standard ISO 3691-4 and also guarantees productivity in operation.
Operators of automated guided vehicles or automated guided vehicle systems (AGV/multiple AGV systems) must ensure that their system is not only designed safely but can also be applied in intralogistics safely and above all productively, taking into account all the spatial and infrastructural conditions.
Consider safety aspects at an early stage
For this task Pilz developed a services package that can be individually adapted to the special requirements of the respective application. When developing safety concepts, Pilz gets on board as early as the design phase. Also included is a review of the risk assessment from the AGV manufacturer and a detailed validation of the key safety functions. In this way, safety aspects can be considered at an early stage. Examining the safety of AGV at such an early stage of the acquisition process helps to avoid unnecessary costs and save time.
A risk assessment of the entire application on site at the operator's is essential. All the AGVs in use are examined as part of this process. The next step is then to validate the entire application. The required protected fields or zones are also defined here and mobile systems safeguarded, taking the whole environment into account.
Pilz assumes responsibility for safe implementation
Pilz provides support with all the measures required on site and, upon request, accompanies the operator right through to the international conformity assessment (such as CE marking for example) and assumes responsibility for the safe implementation of the AGV application. After and indeed even before commissioning, there must be a regular inspection of the proper condition and safe function of the AGV. Pilz can undertake this too as part of the complete package. Training on the safe operation of an AGV application continues to be available for users in the interests of sustainable knowledge building.