Configurable control systems PNOZmulti from Pilz - The next generation PNOZmulti 2
With the new base unit PNOZ m B0, Pilz is heralding the next generation of configurable control systems PNOZmulti. A new feature on the PNOZ m B0 is the ability to expand the right-hand side with I/O modules, which can be used as both inputs and outputs. Users benefit from increased flexibility in engineering. At a width of just 45 mm, the base unit PNOZ m B0 saves space in the control cabinet and also provides an integrated, illuminated display with individually customised texts, enabling rapid commissioning as well as diagnostics. The new control system PNOZmulti 2 can be used for safety and standard applications in all engineering sectors.
The base unit PNOZ m B0 has a total of 20 safe inputs, up to eight of which can be configured as standard outputs. Also available are four safe semiconductor outputs and four safe test pulse outputs, up to four of which can be configured as standard outputs. Fewer unit types are needed as a result, enabling hardware and storage costs to be minimised. The PNOZ m B0 can be expanded with a maximum of two I/O modules. These provide a total of 16 inputs and 8 semiconductor outputs. The new configurable control system is suitable for applications up to and including SIL CL 3 and PL e.
As with all units in the product range PNOZmulti, all the necessary safety functions on the new base unit can be created simply, directly on the PC using the software tool PNOZmulti Configurator. Expansion modules are also easy to select and configure via the PNOZmulti Configurator. This saves time and reduces engineering costs.
The configurable control system PNOZmulti was launched in 2002 and can be used as a worldwide safety standard for all machine types, enabling users to select additional safety components flexibly to suit their own individual needs. The configurable control system is multifunctional, freely configurable and monitors safety functions such as E-STOPs, safety gates or light beam devices.