Connected to the Future!
04.02.2019. Sensor Instruments. Up to now it may have been sufficient for a sensor manufacturer to provide systems with digital outputs, a 0V to +10V analog voltage output, and a 4mA to 20mA analog current output. In the foreseeable future, however, communication between sensors and programmable logic controllers (PLCs) primarily will be performed in digital serial form with a correspondingly high data rate. The future belongs to the so-called Industrial Ethernet: "The change towards Industrial Ethernet is driven by the demand for high performance, the integration of factory installations and IT/IoT systems, and the Industrial Internet of Things in general", says Anders Hansson, Chief Marketing Officer of HMS. Typical examples of networks in this connection are PROFINET®, EtherCAT®, EtherNet/IP® and Ethernet Powerlink®.
Sensor Instruments therefore already provides RS232-to-PROFINET® converters and RS232-to-EtherCAT® converters. In the future almost all the sensors of Sensor Instruments that are equipped with an RS232 interface can be connected to corresponding programmable logic controllers (PLCs) by means of these converters. Especially the RS232/PROFINET® converters are supplied with PLC example programs, which should considerably reduce the programming effort for connection to the PLC. RS232/EtherNet/IP converters and RS232/Ethernet Powerlink converters also will be available soon.
The user management for sensors from Sensor Instruments according to RS232 PROFINET®.