Contrast Scanner in a New 'Dimension'
With the outstanding EasyTune and YellowBoost features, Leuze electronic presents the KRT 3B contrast scanners in a new 'dimension'. They are the smallest with respect to their size, but—relative to their low volume—the biggest with regard to performance.
Contrast scanners of the KRT 3B series from Leuze electronic distinguish between grayscale values, enabling them to detect minimal contrasts. As a result, a check can be performed for the presence of text or imprints or socalled marks detected. With the new KRT 3B devices, all three transmitter models—RGB light, white light and laser light—are available in an exceptionally small construction. In addition to the standard design, the sensors are also available in stainless steel, in the proven WASH-DOWN and HYGIENE designs.
The small size of the new contrast scanners belies their high performance. With extremely short response times of up to 50 µs and high repeatability, these scanners—the smallest with respect to housing volume—are actually the biggest. With regard to their configuration options, they also perform big. Here, IO link makes onsite configuration possible with unmatched simplicity and reproducibility. With the three teach processes: 2-point teach, static 1-point teach and dynamic 2-point teach, the optimum teach process is available for every type of machine use. Furthermore, the switching thresholds ascertained via teach-in can be changed during running operation in 4% increments with EasyTune. By means of this online switching-threshold correction, it is possible to quickly respond to changed process parameters without performing a new teach-in.
One special feature is YellowBoost, a form of yellow support developed by Leuze with which contrast detection of the white-light contrast scanner is optimized. Although this affects all wavelengths, smoothing of the signal deviation is strongest in the yellow-light range, hence the name of the function.
With IO link, in combination with the EasyTune switching threshold correction and YellowBoost, Leuze electronic has implemented globally unique features in the smallest—and yet biggest—contrast scanner to date