E+E Elektronik Offers Accredited Calibrations for CO2
Successfully Accredited
E+E Elektronik: The Austrian sensor specialist E+E Elektronik offers now accredited calibrations also for CO2-fraction in gas. The E+E calibration laboratory is accredited by Akkreditierung Austria according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and is the only facility in Austria which can carry out CO2 calibrations at this high level.
The E+E calibration laboratory offers accredited CO2 calibrations for gas concentrations in the range 5 … 300,000 ppm (μmol/mol), as well as for the equivalent volume fraction in μL/L. Due to the wide calibration range it is possible to calibrate all common CO2 measuring devices such as sensors, handhelds, data loggers and spectrometers.
The calibration is performed as comparative measurement with a constant CO2 reference concentration. The CO2 reference concentration is generated by a special gas mixing pump according to DIN 51898-1_2015-05 and is freely selectable. The piston pump works with four high-precision pistons. The gas volume flow is precisely defined by the diameter of the cylinder, the stroke and the frequency, and can therefore be traced back to length, which is a fundamental physical quantity of the International System of Units (SI).
According to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) agreements, only calibration laboratories accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 can ensure the traceability of measurement results to SI and full international comparability. The accredited calibration certificate states the measurement uncertainty associated to the specific calibration process.
Accredited CO2 calibration certificates are generally required for measuring devices used for safety or for the control of key manufacturing processes. Accredited CO2 calibrations are of interest for instance in the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) regulated industries such as food and pharmaceutical. Reliable CO2 monitoring and control is paramount for biological incubators. In building automation, the accuracy of CO2 measuring devices impacts directly on the efficiency of demand controlled ventilation systems.
In addition to CO2, the calibration laboratory of E+E Elektronik GmbH is accredited for humidity, dew point, temperature, pressure, air velocity and mass flow by Akkreditierung Austria / Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 with identification number 0608.
Details on the E+E scope of accreditation and calibration services are available at www.eplusecal.com.