Eight metre-length cable for capacitive displacement sensors
Micro-Epsilon: The range of accessories for capacitive displacement sensors from Micro-Epsilon has been extended with a new long length CCg cable. The new triaxial cable enables cable lengths of up to eight metres and is designed for industrial environments where long cable lengths are required.
Due to the measuring principle, capacitive sensors have a limited cable length. Now Micro-Epsilon has developed a solution for significantly increasing these cable lengths. The new CCg sensor cable for capaNCDT systems from Micro-Epsilon is a world first in the market. Using a triaxial cable, it is now possible for the first time to reach eight metres of cable length without a preamplifier, which at the same time provides full exchangeability. While the previous outgas-optimized and oxygen-free miniature triaxial cable is suitable for different applications and modern EUV lithography in semiconductor production, the new CCg cable has been specifically designed for industrial environments, where long cable lengths are required. Compared to its predecessor, the new CCg model allows for double the cable length. The CCg cables can be applied both with both standard catalog products and custom modified ones. They are compatible with all existing capaNCDT systems from Micro-Epsilon. Dimensions and plugs are identical to the previous CCx cable.