Electrical DAkkS accreditation for SPEKTRA calibration laboratory
A new milestone for the calibration laboratory: SPEKTRA granted extended DAkkS accreditation for electrical measurands.
In May 2021 the German national accreditation body DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH) confirmed the extended competence of the SPEKTRA laboratory to now also perform calibrations for electrical measurands in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. To the acoustic and mechanical measurands already accredited, such as acceleration, are thus now added AC voltage, DC voltage, DC current and capacitance.
A milestone for our calibration laboratory
This accreditation is not only an extension of the possible measurands, but is in fact a milestone for the SPEKTRA calibration laboratory. In particular, we can now provide accredited electrical calibration of vibration as well as acoustic calibration systems. This applies both for newly delivered equipment and for the system recalibration. A particular feature is the possibility of calibrating alternating electrical charge as well as voltages and charges in the frequency range 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz.
One accreditation, many possibilities
The extended DAkkS accreditation enables many more devices under test to be traceably calibrated. The focus here lays on the calibration of vibration measuring equipment such as vibration control systems, signal conditioners, sensor front ends, vibration meters and multistage vibration measurement chains. Likewise, the SPEKTRA S-TEST sensor characterization systems can also be delivered with a DAkkS certificate in the future.
Almost all SPEKTRA business areas will benefit from this new accreditation – from an extension of the available accredited calibration services through to improved all-round service for our system customers in the CS and DT segments.
What does the extended DAkkS accreditation mean for SPEKTRA?
‘We expect a notable increase in demand both for our services and for our calibration systems’, says Martin Nicklich, General Director of SPEKTRA. ‘But even more important is the extent of the accreditation for our laboratory and for our own equipment. Not all market players can offer such a wide range of products and services. This will turn SPEKTRA into a much larger player and an even more attractive partner for our customers in the area of calibration.’
Do you have further questions about the DAkkS accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 or about our services? Contact us
SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden, Germany was founded in 1994 and has established itself as a renowned manufacturer of components and systems for the testing and calibration of sensors. The products of the family business are used worldwide for the reliable measurement of dynamic physical quantities such as vibration, acceleration, sound pressure or alternating charge.
As from 2008, SPEKTRA also includes the APS trademark under which the company manufactures and sells long-stroke vibration exciters (shakers) and runs a marketing office in California, USA under the name of APS Dynamics, Inc. Through this merger, forces based on decades of experience could be bundled to develop a new generation of even more powerful vibration control systems.
Furthermore the company‘s calibration laboratory is accredited by DAkkS and offers a wide range of calibration services. And all this at a level of measurement uncertainty that can normally only be guaranteed by topmost national metrology laboratories.
SPEKTRA is often pioneer when it comes to the development, manufacturing or distribution of measuring and testing systems as well as calibration equipment. The use of such technology to provide special services and equipment for metrological and industrial applications enabled the company to reach an international top position in a growing market