Final Report SENSOR+TEST 2019
Hot Technology in Cool Halls: Successful Conclusion of the SENSOR+TEST 2019
SENSOR+TEST: After three scorching days, the SENSOR+TEST Measuring Technology trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany, closed its gates. Despite record temperatures outside, about 7,000 visitors from all over the world found their way to the pleasantly cool exhibition halls. The number of exhibitors, 538, was regularly under that of the previous year. The share of foreign exhibitors, 40%, remained unchanged. Thus, the SENSOR+TEST once again asserted its position as the international leading sensor, measuring, and testing fair.
The visitors made good use of the opportunity to obtain information on a plethora of interesting innovations at stands on a floor space amounting to 18,000 square meters. Here as well as at the popular exhibitors’ forums, animated discussions were held especially on this year’s special topic, Sensor and Measuring Technology for Process Automation. Holger Bödeker, the managing director of the organizing AMA Service GmbH company, stated, “Both of these free exhibitor forums in the exhibition halls are turning into real audience magnets.”
The general satisfaction among the exhibitors was confirmed by Christoph Kleye (Pewatron), chair of the exhibitor’s committee, who stated, “We had a lot of good and very concrete discussions. A lot more people went to hall 5 this year, which confirms a greater mix in the stream of visitors. Also, we have to praise the diverse communication channels, provided in advance to the exhibitors by the fair organizers. We used them intensively and have profited from them thoroughly.”
Despite scheduling conflicts with other international conferences, the 20. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019 was well attended indeed, as the conference management confirmed. The conference session on “Citizen Science mit Sensoren – Sensorik für Citizen Science”, offered for the first time and free of charge for all trade-fair visitors, was also well accepted.
SENSOR+TEST 2020: New Exhibition Hall, New International Conference
Next year, the SENSOR+TEST will be held from the 23rd to the 25th of June, 2020, in halls 1, 2, and 3C. Holger Bödeker, commented on this, saying, “Both, exhibitors and visitors, can already look forward to the new, modern hall 3C. It promises a most attractive stand-space layout, providing high efficiency for our visitors.”
The SENSOR+TEST 2020 – with its special topic Sensor and Measuring Technology for Condition Monitoring – will again be accompanied by the ettc2020 – European Test and Telemetry Conference in hall 2. The new technical conference SMSI 2020 – Sensor and Measurement Science International will also be held in parallel. The great significance of sensor and measuring technologies as the key to Industry 4.0 will, of course, be kept in focus.