Flame intensity calorimeters
ITI Company: The Model C-3500 Flame Intensity Calorimeter probe is applied to the determination of the total heat flux (Radiation plus Convection) in high temperature combustion of gases.
The model C-3500 Flame Intensity Calorimeter provides a total (convection plus radiation) heat flux measurement of the intensity of combustion gases. Designed for direct immersion in flame fronts, this water-cooled instrument thermoelectrically transduces a signal, which is calibrated in accordance with an Absolute Heat Flux Standard.
The primary application for which this probe was developed, is the measurement of combustion chamber heat fluxes in power generating facilities, allowing the direct and instantaneous power evaluation of combustion chamber gasses for best stoichiometric fuel/air mix. Additionally, the calorimeter is widely used in verifying heat source intensities at different cracking tower stations along the complete oil refinery process, which assures process repeatability. Another important application is applied to the flame testing of materials and components under Federal Aviation Regulations.
The flame intensity sensor is a 1.00 – 2.00 inch diameter, refractory metal rod that is placed in direct contact with the heated gasses. The signal generated is directly proportional to the local heat flux; a radial traverse of the source yields a measure of the total power output. The sensor yields D.C. millivolt signals that can be measured with conventional millivolt meters or recorders.
- Heat Fluxes to 500 kW/m2
- Linear signal
- Standardization of high temperature heat sources.
- Combustion chamber heat flux determinations.
- Rocket/Jet Plume power output
- Fire/Flame testing.
- Boiler/Flame Box power output.