Flintec launch the EM100, a purpose made family of digitising units for general weighing applications
Weighing component specialist Flintec have launched the EM100 family of digitising units for general weighing applications such as dynamic, static and high-speed weighing.
The EM100 is a precision amplifier manufactured to be embedded directly into a weighing system with multiple configuration options available and plug and play compatibility.
Features include:
- 80 - 1200 measurements/s
- USB for configuration
- RS232 & RS485
- CANOpen interface
- Configurable firmware options
- Device configuration software
- 2 digital inputs & 2 digital outputs
- Adaptor board for easier connections (optional)
AC and DC variants of the EM100 are available with, legal for trade, OIML certification from 10,000 – to 20,000 verified scale intervals and a class leading linearity of ±0.0005% .
Connectivity via CANOpen interface, RS232, RS485 and USB is available, along with the ability to connect up to 6 load cells, giving the EM100 the versatility and ease of use that customers demand. Flintec also provide dedicated software, allowing for simple device configuration.
EM100 is designed for a range of universal weighing applications requiring high speed automation. General use includes high accuracy weighing and packaging machinery applications as well as wider use in process weighing and process automation and control. Configurations include AWI & NAWI weighing, check weighing and gravimetric filling.
As a world leading manufacturer of weighing components, Flintec has developed the EM100 to work seamlessly with our vast range of load cells, force sensors and assorted accessories, forming a complete weighing system.