Graphics Program Editor PASmulti, part of the automation system PSS 4000 - Program creation is simple, quick and intuitive
The automation system PSS 4000 from Pilz now includes the graphics Program Editor PASmulti. This can be used to create both standard and safety-related automation projects quickly and easily and to configure the control system PSSuniversal PLC. A comprehensive library of safety-related and standard software blocks enables a high level of reusability.
The programming environment of the graphics Program Editor PASmulti is identical to that of editors designed in accordance with EN / IEC 61131-3, so simple handling is guaranteed. For example, customised software blocks written by users in PAS IL (Instruction List) for standard or safety-related functions can be transferred to PASmulti without further ado.
PASmulti provides a comprehensive library of software blocks for position detection or for general functions such as emergency stop, for example, to which users can add their own software blocks. Software blocks in the software platform PAS4000 make the creation of automation programs considerably easier. Software blocks can also be used to organise and structure projects by function; changes in the software block are documented and managed centrally. This provides a high level of reusability, which ultimately saves costs.
Configurations and links can also be made quickly in PASmulti via drag and drop. Programs are made easier to create through the use of simple symbols and characters. What's more, the graphics Program Editor PASmulti enables plants and projects to have a modular structure and for this to be represented 1:1 in the software. That way the test and configuration work only has to be done once per module, saving time.
The Program Editor PASmulti can be regarded as a structuring guide. Software blocks that are written in PAS IL, and in future in PAS STL, can be linked using the Program Editor PASmulti. Through simple handling in PASmulti, complex projects containing blocks from various editors can be clearly structured.