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HBM wins AVL Supplier Award

03 April 2015

HBM: As part of AVL Supplier Day, AVL List GmbH has presented the award for best supplier in the category of Service Excellence to HBM Test and Measurement.

HBM Test and Measurement (HBM) has won the AVL Supplier Award 2013 as part of AVL Supplier Day 2014, held on 09/30/2014 in Graz, Austria.

AVL and HBM have worked together ever since the 1950s in joint projects, creating innovative measurement solutions for automotive testing. An important goal of AVL – a leading international company in test bench engineering – is to work together with its customers to shorten the lead time for products in the development process for its customers. Simple integration of test components from many different suppliers is a key factor.

Standardized reporting and ordering processes were also defined, as well as special processing for repairs. The result was significantly shorter delivery times. On-site support with system engineers was also set up for emergency cases. HBM impressed AVL List GmbH as an outstanding service provider with this complete package. It should be emphasized here that efficient processing is only possible with good collaboration of employees from both partners.

  • Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH
    Im Tiefen See 45
    64293 Darmstadt
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.: +49 (0)6151 803-0
    Fax: +49 (0)6151 803-9100
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