High-Speed Optical Tunable Filter with unique features for static and dynamic applications
- Suitable for optical filtering applications (static or dynamic)
- Wide and fine tuning with top resolution and noise to signal ratio
- Stable operation in demanding environments.
The unique FS02 - BraggMETER Filter, a long-time proven and reliable component used in HBM FiberSensing’s top class optical interrogators, has now been made available to others. Featuring low voltage excitation and a wide tuning range, it is ideal for most optical filtering applications in test and measurement, telecom, and fiber optic sensing.
The The FS02 - BraggMETER is a high-speed Optical Tunable Filter, which integrates proprietary cavity design without guiding optics, resulting in a compact, robust, and vibration-resistant device. The filter is encapsulated in an athermal package, which ensures an excellent thermal stability.
In addition, it offers
- wide free spectral range (FSR≥80nm or ≥100nm) centered at 1550nm;
- excellent signal to noise ratio (side band rejection >20dB);
- high finesse (typical F = 700); and
- enhanced thermal stability (<1nm/ºC).
Suited for many applications
The careful design of the FS02 filter makes it best suited for integration of high-end products and also for research and education purposes in universities and R&D laboratories.
Examples include fiber swept laser sources, optical sensing equipment, optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems, and spectral characterization tools.