Kistler Premiere at MEDTEC Europe: 100 % Quality with Process Monitoring for Injection Molding, Assembly and Product Inspection
Kistler Group is supplying in-process quality assurance solutions for the medical technology, diagnostics and pharmaceutical industry. At the specialist trade show "MEDTEC Europe", which takes place from 22 through 24 March, 2011 in Stuttgart/Germany, visitors to the Kistler booth No. 8248 in hall 8 will find out how the specialist’s sensors and systems integrate seamlessly into processes for the production of medical equipment and medical technology components. Fully automated, in-process quality assurance guarantees 100 % quality and separation of defective parts at a very early stage. Kistler provided solutions for different production and inspection tasks for the entire process chain including injection molding, assembly and product inspection.
Kistler sensors and systems monitor the cavity pressure and separate all defective parts during the injection molding process, which eliminates the need for post-production quality inspection. The "QUALITY MOLDING powered by Kistler" seal applies to pressure and pressure-temperature sensors, CoMo Injection process monitoring systems, CoMo DataCenter for process and quality data analysis and the Stasa QC quality prediction which uses the tolerance limits stated in the component specification as quality criteria for in-process quality monitoring.
Force sensors are used during assembly processes to monitor joining forces. Deviations from the measured joining forces are used by process monitoring systems for the detection of errors and defects of workpieces and tools. The "QUALITY JOINING powered by Kistler" seal illustrates the benefit of force sensors when they are integrated into assembly units, and the benefit of process monitoring systems when they are used for quality assurance. Electromechanical NC joining systems made by Kistler integrate actuation and force sensor technology into compact systems for force-monitored assembly processes.
Used during fully automated product inspection, force or torque sensors detect the relevant component properties and check them for compliance with defined tolerances. Reaction torque sensors for monitoring actuation forces and the maXYmo BL XY monitor for the analysis of measuring data are perfect examples of the Kistler range of products for the inspection of medical and pharmaceutical components.
Global Presence: Consultancy and Service for Global Players
With 25 group members and competent representations in 30 countries, Kistler has a strong presence in the international market. The company offers consultancy, practical support and a variety of services for global producers of medical and medical engineering components and systems as well as for manufacturers of machines and equipment for the production of medical, diagnostics and pharmaceutical articles.
Kistler Group:
Kistler’s core competence is the development, production and use of sensors for measuring pressure, force, torque and acceleration. Kistler’s know-how and electronic systems can be used to prepare measuring signals for use in analyzing physical processes, controlling and optimizing industrial processes, improving product quality in manufacturing and improving performance in sports and rehabilitation.
Kistler offers a comprehensive range of sensors and systems for engine development, automotive engineering, plastics and metal processing, installation technology and biomechanics.
A worldwide sales presence in the form of 25 group companies and 30 distributors ensures customer proximity, application support on an individual level and short lead times.
With a staff of about 1 050, the Kistler Group is one of the world’s leading providers of dynamic measuring instrumentation. The Kistler Group achieved turnover of 213 million Swiss Francs in the 2010 financial year.