Leuze electronic conveys expertise in Safety at work
In addition to versatile safety products and integrated system solutions for safety at work, Leuze electronic offers numerous workshops on the subject of safety at work, highlighting its expertise in this area.
Owen, February 3, 2017 - Leuze electronic conveys expertise in safety at work for design engineers, maintenance staff, machine operators and safety representatives in year-round and nationwide product, directives and standards workshops. Product workshops are offered for the new generation of MSI 400 safety controls and relays, for the RSL 400 safety laser scanner as well as for the MLD multiple light beam safety light curtains and MLC safety light curtains. Practical examples are used to demonstrate their operating function, parameterization and configuration options, troubleshooting and diagnostics as well as the underlying standards.
The directives workshops provide information on the relevant standards/regulations, and their content is aimed at design engineers and safety representatives. The safety-related requirements of machinery directive 2006/42/EC, e.g. standard-compliant risk assessments and the legal background, are discussed on the basis of practical examples. The workshops on the ISO13849 standard clarify issues concerning application of the standard and calculation of the safety functions using the calculation tool “SISTEMA”. Safe operation and the modification of existing machines are covered in a further series of workshops. Employers and those responsible for safety at work are provided with comprehensive information regarding the obligations arising from the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health as well as any changes from 2015.