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Leuze electronic demonstrates its customer promise at SPS IPC Drives 2017

Leuze electronic demonstrates its customer promise at SPS IPC Drives 2017

15 December 2017

At this year's trade fair for electrical automation in Nuremberg, Leuze electronic proved its promise to customers: Smart Sensor Business 4.0 – EASY, EXPERIENCE, PROXIMITY, FUTURE. These were the core statements. Visitors to the trade fair were able to see for themselves what Leuze electronic stands for and what distinguishes the sensor people, while at the same time experiencing a unique fair presentation.

Owen, December 15, 2017 – "To be different than everyone else, be authentic sensor people, demonstrate and live our customer promise – that was our focus at this year's trade fair in Nuremberg," says Salvatore Buccheri, Director of Sales Germany at Leuze electronic. What was important to the sensor people was to prove that SMART SENSOR BUSINESS is not just an advertising slogan, but a real promise to the customers. The focus was not on the products, but on the people: the customers and employees. The trade show booth set the stage and was an exhibit that made a statement in and of itself – clearly structured into the areas EASY, EXPERIENCE, PROXIMITY, and FUTURE. Visitors were able to find out just how EASY the sensors from Leuze electronic are to operate by means of the trade game, in which the visitors' movements were recorded by a body camera. Leuze electronic demonstrated its many years of in-depth EXPERIENCE in intralogistics, the packaging and automotive industry, and in the field of tool manufacturing by offering application-specific sensor solutions. PROXIMITY was tangible in the service section of the trade show booth, while Conveyor and HoloLens offered a glimpse into the FUTURE. A coherent concept that delighted not only customers, but also the trade press, which had accepted the invitation to the press breakfast in large numbers. The company philosophy was especially palpable in the heart of the booth: videos with own employees offered up emotional testimonials, the lived values of the sensor people, and the promise that each and every employee makes to customers. The "SMART SENSOR BUSINESS TOUR" guided visitors along all new developments of 2017: from the new safety control MSI with new function blocks specifically for presses, through the world premiere, the DDLS 500 data transmission photoelectric sensor with integrated web server, to the new CML 730 for foil-film detection and the smallest camera-based sensor on the market for single-depth compartment fine positioning. At Leuze electronic, it was perceptible at the booth what Managing Director Ulrich Balbach expressly pointed out at the press breakfast: "This year's renewed high double-digit growth of the company is a positive challenge for all involved, which we are happy to accept. But growth doesn't come about on its own, and neither solely based on the market situation and automation, especially since a lot of tasks are still carried out manually at Leuze electronic, and most is "Made in Germany". Also in B2B, it is about people fostering relationships and doing business with each other. Thus, it is not a matter of growth vs. values, but growth AND values." And these were tangible at the trade show booth of the sensor people.

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