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Leuze electronic offers intelligent cables with SmartCore Technology

Leuze electronic offers intelligent cables with SmartCore Technology

24 May 2016

Leuze electronic develops sensor cables with “SmartCore Technology” in a common research project with Murrelektronik. This technology enables the recognition of errors in a cable such as core breaks or loose contacts still before it becomes susceptible to failure or fully fails. This avoids cost-intense system downtime. Using a measurement function integrated in IO modules, the employee working in servicing is informed by predictive diagnosis message when the cable has reached some 85 percent of its maximum life expectancy. Depending on the measurement method, further sources of potential danger such as excess temperature, overexpansion, overrotation, kinking or crushing can also be recognized and notified. Therefore, the endangered cable can be replaced during the next regular maintenance cycle, thus avoiding the spontaneous failure of a system. Equally, premature exchange of a cable can be avoided by the maintenance technician. The sensor cable used for virtually all machine and system installations therefore becomes even more intelligent.

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