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Leuze electronic USA in Rochester celebrates its 10th birthday

Leuze electronic USA in Rochester celebrates its 10th birthday

26 May 2017

Joerg Woerner – head of the Identifications Systems product area and responsible for solutions for image processing – and his team in Rochester are not only celebrating the 10th anniversary of the location's founding in Rochester (USA) but also the anniversaries of two individuals who have been with the company since day one.

Rochester, May 12, 2017 – In 2007, what is now Technical Hub Americas was established by Leuze electronic in Rochester, New York – the birthplace of digital image processing and the center of optics development in the Americas. The initial task of the subsidiary was the development of software algorithms for Leuze's own image processing sensors. Today the tasks of the now ten-person team are much more diverse: it supports the Leuze Group worldwide in the development of products for medical technology and is the point of contact and competence center for questions on American fieldbus interfaces. In the Americas, Rochester performs pre and post-sales support (Service Levels 2 and 3) and drives the development of features specific to the continent for global products, such as fieldbus interfaces for US-based controls from Rockwell and Allen Bradley. The Rochester location is characterized by its customer-oriented way of working. Joerg Woerner is proud of his employees: "Our strength lies above all in the fact that we listen to the customer, understand his problem and can present an individual solution." Thanks to the commitment of the Rochester team, it was possible to win numerous large projects, such as date code detection and the line scan camera for the manufacturer of TNA as well as a module for blood type detection for Ortho Clinical Diagnostics. Also being honored during the company's 10th anniversary are Will Schaffer (head of Laboratory Automation) and Richard Geisler (project manager), both of whom have worked on-site as sensor people since the inception of the subsidiary.

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