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maxon motor builds new Innovation Center

maxon motor builds new Innovation Center

24 January 2017
Company to invest CHF 30 million at its headquarters

maxon motor ag: Swiss drive specialist maxon motor is expanding its headquarters in Switzerland. Construction of the new Innovation Center is due to start in February. The building is scheduled to be ready for use by summer 2018. At this location, the company will also develop and manufacture its smallest drives.

maxon motor is getting in shape for the future. The specialist manufacturer of DC motors and drive systems is expanding its headquarters in Sachseln, Switzerland, by building an Innovation Center next to the company's own commuter railway station Ewil Maxon. The new facility will provide space for the research, development and production of medical drives, among other things. The Medical department will have double its current space. On a floor area of over 2,000 square meters (nearly 25,000 sq ft), the smallest maxon motors will be manufactured, some with a thickness of only 4 millimeters (0.16 in). These motors are used in insulin pumps, medication delivery systems or surgical robots. In order to meet the stringent quality demands in the medical field, the production area will be equipped with clean rooms, which will include a biocompatible room. With these measures, maxon motor is creating the basis for further growth in this important field.

Trees and biotope to enhance the surroundings

Construction work on the Innovation Center starts in February and is due to be completed by summer 2018. The building consists of two basement levels for parking and technical facilities, two production levels, and two office floors. The appearance of the building will match existing structures. A number of tall trees and shrubs are being planted to help the building blend into its surroundings. The plans also include the creation of a biotope.

Why is maxon building an Innovation Center?

maxon motor strives to continue its sustainable growth. The drive specialist already has more than 30 sales companies and six production sites worldwide. However, the backbone continues to be the Obwalden headquarters with its more than 1,200 employees. Here an even stronger focus will in future be placed on research & development, medical technology (micromotors), complete drive systems (mechatronics), and Industry 4.0 (networking of production). "The new Innovation Center is a move to strengthen our Swiss headquarters in order to become stronger internationally", says maxon CEO Eugen Elmiger. maxon will invest approximately CHF 30 million in the Innovation Center.

Majority stockholder Karl-Walter Braun points out that the Sachseln headquarters has never been seriously questioned even in difficult times. “We enjoy many benefits here: a great infrastructure, good connections, uncomplicated cooperation with the authorities, a beautiful countryside and young, competent engineers with excellent skill levels. In addition, we can count on faithful employees who have their roots in the region and stay loyal to the company for decades.”

Local canton authorities are delighted

Niklaus Bleiker, Head of the Directorate for Economic Affairs for the Canton of Obwalden, is equally delighted about the start of construction and the large investment. “This is a great day for the Canton of Obwalden. To see our largest employer continuing to invest in their Sachseln headquarters is a strong sign of confidence in Switzerland as a business location, and in our region. In summary: It's simply a delight to see what maxon motor ag has already accomplished, and will continue to accomplish in future.”

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