Measurement Solutions for EPA Mandated Green House Gas Reporting
MONTEREY, CA — December 10, 2009 — Sierra Instruments introduced a line of mass flow meters Certified by Sierra for Green House Gas (GHG) reporting. All Sierra GHG meters now conform to the new EPA rule (40 CFR Part 98), which mandates that as of January 2, 2010, companies in the United States that emit more than 25,000 tons/year of CO2 equivalent must report GHG emissions. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 of the country’s largest businesses will be affected.
Sierra’s GHG Certified mass flow meters provide an economical way to totalize methane or natural gas burned, enabling the calculation of CO2 equivalent emissions. Sierra has extensive experience in producing highly accurate and repeatable mass flow meters for methane (CH4) as well as N20, SF6, HFC’s, PFC’s and CO2 as called out in the EPA mandate.
“This is really our strong suit,” says Matthew J. Olin, President of Sierra. “Our customers saw the environmental writing on the wall some time ago and we have been steadfastly pursuing both sustainable and profitable industry flow measurement solutions ever since. To make it easier for our customers facing this measurement challenge to find the meter they need, we’ve established a dedicated webpage that features our three most popular GHG Certified mass flow meters. We’ve also trained our team of flow application and service engineers in the EPA Greenhouse Gas reporting rule so they can answer customer questions.”
The three GHG Certified thermal mass flow meters on Sierra’s GHG webpage are the Boiler-Trak™, Model 640S and Model 780S. Sierra’s Boiler-Trak™ is a thermal mass flow meter designed for stationary combustion applications (commercial boilers, kilns and heaters), which are among the largest emitters of CO2. To date, over 15,000 units have been successfully installed. Sierra’s Model 640S has been optimized for landfill gas, the second largest source of CO2. Landfill gas is very humid, at low pressure (20-40 mBarg) and about 40°-60°C (100°F) when it leaves the landfill. Given that the 640S has 100:1 turndown, no moving parts, and generates nominal pressure drop across the immersible sensor probe, it is ideal for this application. The Sierra Model 780S was designed for gas and electricity producers, the third largest category of CO2 emitters. This flow meter is routinely used by gas and power plants to measure methane to compressors, pre-heaters, boilers and other process equipment.
With an international headquarters located amid the scenic beauty of the Monterey and Big Sur, California coastline, Sierra has long had an appreciation for the environment and a commitment to preserving the planet’s natural resources. As proof of their commitment, they have partnered with customers in developing a host of solutions to some of today’s most pressing environmental concerns. From the flow measurement tools needed to produce bio-fuel and other forms of alternative energy, to unique solutions for environmental research on global warming, Sierra continues to pioneer new vistas.
Visit www.sierrainstruments.com/greenhouse.html for more information on Sierra’s GHG Certified mass flow meters.
About Sierra
A global leader in flow measurement and control for over 35 years, Sierra instruments designs and manufactures high performance flow instrumentation for gas, liquid and steam applications commonly found in industries such as semiconductor, environmental, scientific research, petrochemical, energy, aerospace, and general manufacturing. With over 150 offices in 50 countries, Sierra is uniquely positioned to provide their innovative products and lifetime support for the leading companies of today and the growth enterprises of tomorrow.