MICROmote® optosensors from STM
They are extraordinary small, extraordinary powerful, extraordinary flexible…. and predominant to fiber optics.
Balluff STM GmbH: MICROmote®-Optosensors from STM are sensors in the classical sense of the definition. They dispose of highly efficient micro optics in the sensor head which is able to focus the light with exceptional accuracy. By means of very special point source LEDs they are able to generate laser like light spots. They combine very small sizes with extraordinary high optical output power.
MICROmote® stands for minimum volume, minimum weight and optimum installation. They may perhaps look like fiber optics but limitations like minimum bending radii or flexing restrictions from dynamic workloads don’t exist.
Other than with fiber optics an electrical signal is generated directly in the sensor head and conducted through a highly flexible and at the same time chemically resistant cable to the amplifier electronics. They may be operated together with one of the different STM MICROmote® amplifiers as well as with the customer’s own electronics.
The modular design and the patent protected manufacturing production method allow an extremely rapid yet reasonably priced development of best adapted customized solutions. Examples are chemically aggressive environments or extreme vacuum.