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microsonic celebrated its 25th anniversary in its new company building at PHOENIX Lake in Dortmund

microsonic celebrated its 25th anniversary in its new company building at PHOENIX Lake in Dortmund

24 September 2015

microsonic GmbH: microsonic turned 25, moved into brand-new headquarters and had an open house – the Dortmund specialist for ultrasonic sensors had occasion to celebrate, present the latest sensor developments as well as their eye-catching new company building and modern production facilities at PHOENIX Lake. 

Dortmund, 16 September 2015 - „In the founding year of our company we sold a whopping nine sensors“, Johannes Schulte, founder of microsonic GmbH remembers. 25 Years have passed and today microsonic is in the top three of the world's ultrasonic sensor producers. microsonic doubled its production capacities at the new company location at PHOENIX Lake. The building was designed by Architekturbüros F&G Geddert und plus 4930 Düsseldorf • Berlin and erected by Freundlieb Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co. KG in Dortmund. On a 4,300m² piece of land a three-floored building was constructed that includes manufacturing and storage areas, R&D labs and an entire floor for management, sales and admin.

On September 15, 2015, the Dortmund specialist für ultrasound sensors officially inaugurated their new headquarters. Clients and partners from Germany and other countries as well as guests from industry, science and politics had the opportunity to explore the new company building in what was once the steel production site Phoenix East. "microsonic brings a highly innovative company to its new headquarters in the historical steel production site Phoenix. Looking at the rise of this two-man-company into a leading specialist for ultrasonic sensors and viewing their new location at Phoenix, one term springs to mind: vivid structural change," said Garrelt Duin, Economy Minister of North Rhine/ Westphalia, about this double event. After specialist presentations, a sensor exhibition and a show presentation of sensor manufacture, a festive summer party on the roof terrace rounded off the 25th anniversary and headquarters inauguration.

Phoenix East was once a production site for high-quality steel. Today microsonic utilizes this location and its infrastructure, among other things, to provide an attractive working environment - the spacious cafeteria, for example, offers a clear view of Phoenix Lake. Architecturally, the modern, newly-constructed building is bright and open, with much glass and steel in its design. The central light tower connects the individual departments of the three building levels, ensuring close interconnection of daily business processes. The green roof terrace facing south creates an open communication space for large and small meetings and a recreational area for employees during their breaks.

Stefan Schreiber (Vice president of the Chamber of Commerce), Thomas Westphal (President of Economic Development Dortmund), Johannes Schulte (Managing director of microsonic GmbH), Garrelt Duin (Economy Minister of North Rhine/ Westphalia)

About microsonic:

microsonic is considered a specialist in the field of ultrasonic sensors in industrial automation technology. Since its founding in 1990 in the TechnologieZentrumDortmund (Dortmund Tech Center), microsonic's staff, now consisting of 75 people, has enabled the company to continuously develop, manufacture and sell ever better ultrasonic sensors all over the world. microsonic ultrasonic sensors are part of printing presses, packaging machines, agricultural harvesting machinery and are used in the pharmaceutical industry as well as in many other applications.

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