Microtech Gefell – The specialists in environmental and industrial Noise Measurements
Microtech Gefell: In todays world of a high degree of environmental awareness accurate noise measurement is of decisive importance.
In this area a series of precision measuring microphones, especially for the automotive sector with weather protection for temporarily and long-term installations is traditionally manufactured by Microtech Gefell. The microphones are certified for official verification and can be used for legally binding measurements. Thereby the microphones are compatible to all standard monitoring systems in the measurement area.
MTG produces microphones for airport noise monitoring systems for vertical sound incidence as well as for example for noise monitoring like traffic noise with horizontal sound incidence relating to the microphone axis. Some models are equipped with a remote calibration system. There are different installation and connection systems.
In addition to the precision measuring microphones described above, a remarkable number of individual turnkey solutions in the field of special test bench projects (air- and structure-borne noise modal analysis, Hydropuls etc.*) have been carried out successfully recently. (*excluding construction-, room equipment noise and drive technology)
Corresponding on highest demands the MTG service spectrum also contains application engineering, consultation services and the development as well as the construction of special gadgets, equipment and special test benches in the field of interior and exterior vehicle noise and vibration measurements.
Today there has been rapidly growing demand for special test benches for this kind of measurements in the automotive sector
Exterior noise measurements are of growing importance, not only in the granting of vehicle-certification by official authorities, but also in the sector of vehicle development and production quality assurance.
The development, manufacturing and assembly of the measuring systems occurs in close co-operation with renowned manufacturers of measuring systems and our customers.
The MTG range of supply and service comprises complete project planning, procurement and commissioning of all components, start-up of the systems as well as operator training and after-sales service by experienced Microtech-specialists worldwide.
With the excellent quality and functionality a two-digit number of large internationally recognized customers could convince itself during the last years in Germany and abroad.