MLX90333 – A New Dimension in Contactless Sensing
Ieper, Belgium – May 23rd 2007 - After the introduction of the MLX90316 in 2005 for Rotary Position Sensor applications, Melexis launches a new Triaxis Product targeted to 3D Position Sensor applications.
Through the MLX90333, the patented Triaxis technology shows its full potential: the MLX90333 is sensitive to the 3 components of the flux density applied to the IC (BX, BY and BZ). This allows the MLX90333 to sense any magnet moving in its surrounding and it enables the design of a novel generation of non-contacting joystick position sensors which are often required for both automotive and industrial applications (e.g. man-machine interface).
Furthermore, the capability of measuring BX, BY and BZ allows the MLX90333 to be considered as a universal non-contacting position sensor i.e. not limited to joystick applications. For instance, a linear travel can be sensed with the MLX90333 once included in a specific magnetic design.
Two angles are computed from the three vector components of the flux density and are reported as linear output signals.
The angles are given by the following relationships:
where kZ and kt are programmable parameters in order to take into account the joystick design (e.g. “gimbal” vs. “ball & socket joint”) and its associated mechanical and magnetic tolerances.
Due to the fact that the “ATAN” (arctangent) operation is performed on the ratios “VX/VZ” and “VY/VZ”, the angular information are intrinsically self-compensated vs. flux density variations (due to airgap change, thermal or ageing effects) affecting the magnetic signal. This feature allows therefore an improved thermal accuracy vs. joystick designs based on conventional linear Hall sensors.
Using the MLX90333, the electronic design of a joystick now becomes a straightforward venture and the designer can spend more time on the mechanical and ergonomic aspects of the unit.
“The three dimensions of the MLX90333 offered by the Triaxis technology are definitively another revolution triggered by Melexis on our mission to simplify sensing !” comments Vincent Hiligsmann, Product Marketing Manager for the Position Sensor at Melexis.
For safety critical applications controlled by a joystick, Melexis also proposes the MLX90333 in the now famous full redundant (dual die) version which fits exactly the same joystick design as the single die version.
Following the Melexis tradition, the Triaxis MLX90333 3D-Joystick Position Sensor IC is fully programmable (output transfer characteristic, output format i.e. Analog/PWM/Serial Protocol…) and has all the protection features to withstand harsh conditions.
For more detailed information, browse to www.melexis.com or visit Melexis at Sensor+Test 2007 in Nürnberg. MLX90333 will be presented in the Hall 7 Forum on Wednesday 23 May 07 (from 12:00pm to 12:30pm) under “Melexis Triaxis Technology Adds the 3rd Dimension to Conventional Hall Effect Sensing”.