More efficiency and higher safety at presses! - Pilz expands the configurable safe small control systems PNOZmulti 2 by dual-pole semiconductor output modules PNOZ m EF 8DI2DOT
Safe monitoring of mechanical presses is guaranteed by the new dual-pole semiconductor output module PNOZ m EF 8DI2DOT of the configurable safe small control systems PNOZmulti 2 from Pilz. This means that press safety valves and other actuators that require dual-pole switching can be controlled simply and flexibly. This enables not only safer, but also clearly more productive management of the operation of mechanical presses.
The new dual-pole modules support the users who focus on the efficiency of their presses.
A module for all the safety functions
Many functions – one solution: The new dual-pole semiconductor output module has two safety outputs in semiconductor technology that serve the actuation of press safety valves or other actuators that require dual-pole switching. The eight inputs of the new module can be configured with an individual filter time to enable correct operation with a variety of input signals. Depending on the application, PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 or SIL CL 3 in accordance with IEC 62061 are achieved. In connection with one of the PNOZmulti-2 base units you can use the new semiconductor output module PNOZ m EF 8DI2DOT to safely monitor the safety functions of a complete press.
Variety of "press" blocks
Certified press blocks in the software tool PNOZmulti Configurator render the use easy and economical. The configuration of operating modes such as setup mode, automatic and single-stroke, monitoring a mechanical rotary cam arrangement or an electrosensitive protective equipment is possible just as easily as the run monitoring to monitor the mechanical transmission for broken shearpin, the control of the press safety valve and the cycle initiation by a two-hand control device. Short engineering times during planning and project configuration help to save time and costs.
Everything in synchronisation also with more complex applications
Per expansion module, a separate module program mIQ is configured with fine-grained module-specific settings and 256 additional connection lines in the software tool. The user program consists of a main program and one or several module programs. The press elements are configured directly in the module program, the program processing then runs decentrally in the module, a clearly reduced cycle time by approx. 3 ms is achieved by this.
The output actuation is very fast, and so reaction times with < 8 ms are possible. As a consequence, the presses can be switched off faster, which increases the safety for the operator.