MSK4000 Magnetic Sensor and MB4000 Magnetic
Magnetic measurement technology for heavy-duty deployment as well as storage and conveyor equipment
The SIKO Company has made a major advancement with the development of the new MSK4000 magnetic sensor and MB4000 magnetic tape. For the first time, it is now possible to use magnetic tape without the steel supports needed up to now and to obtain a sensor/tape distance of 20 mm. The current limit for sensor / tape distance was a maximum of 10 mm. Applications can now be carried out which were not possible in the past due to tolerance limits when using the MSK4000 magnetic sensor.
The MB4000 magnetic tape is magnetised from defined distances. A special adhesive tape is pre-mounted for simple installation.
Possible areas of use
- Warehousing, conveyors, handling systems.
- Staging equipment
- Rough areas of use (heavy duty), such as, for example, stone-cutting or scrap pressing
Magnetic sensor profile
- Reading distance from the sensor to the magnetic tape up to 20 mm
- Insensitive to dust, shavings, moisture, oils, grease and vibration
- Linear resolution max. of 0.25 mm
- Speed-proportional signal output
Profile of the magnetic tape
- Magnetic tape without steel support, 20 mm wide
- Insensitive to dust and shavings
- Simple adhesive installation
- Self-assembly possible