MSR-Group invests in its own EMC laboratory in Pocking
A major milestone for the Research & Development division.
With its subsidiaries MSR-Traffic GmbH and MSR-Electronic GmbH, the MSR group of companies develops and produces, among other things, sensor technology in the field of safety technology (gas warning systems) and traffic technology (parking guidance systems).
New products often undergo a large number of tests and examinations in a lengthy process during a typical development phase. The corresponding requirements, e.g. for metrological tests, electromagnetic compatibility or functional safety, are specified in European standards.
In the future, MSR's own EMC laboratory will serve to push important tests. New product ideas and the associated, necessary, repetitive tests can thus be advanced and implemented more quickly and efficiently.
Managing Director Harald Schmitt also expects this investment to increase the attractiveness of the location for young engineers and technicians who want to acquire or improve their own skills in the field of EMC measurements. According to Mr. Schmitt, the topic continued to be enormously important for many industries. More and more technical products are coming onto the market whose electrical or electromagnetic interference emissions or susceptibility to interference must be checked so that they do not influence other devices or are not influenced by them.
Primarily, it is a matter of relevant tests for the EN 50270. This European Standard specifies requirements for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases and oxygen. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of a technical equipment not to disturb other devices by unwanted electrical or electromagnetic effects or not to be disturbed by other devices.
In the EMC laboratory of the MSR-Group, the following EN requirements for the detection of interference situations are tested, among others:
Interference immunity
- Electromagnetic RF field 50 MHz to 1 GHz / 10 V/m according to EN 61000-4-3
- High frequency asymmetric, conducted 150 kHz to 80 MHz according to EN 61000-4-6
Interference emission
- Interference emission of samples according to EN 61000-6-3
MSR as a manufacturer of products with successfully tested EMC measurements thus demonstrates an important quality feature. Failures of products or systems due to electromagnetic interference can thus be avoided from the ground up.
MSR regards itself as a service provider in the region at the same time and makes all tests available to local companies, too.
MSR-Electronic is a manufacturer of fixed gas warning systems with decades of experience in the field of building automation and gas measurement technology: www.msr-electronic.de/en
MSR-Traffic is a leading manufacturer of intelligent parking guidance systems and offers a broad portfolio of products for Mobility and Smart Cities applications: www.msr-traffic.de/en