Muting accessories for light barriers
With the new Muting Sensor Sets for the MLD Multiple Light Beam Safety Devices from Leuze electronic, muting solutions can now be implemented in an even quicker and easier manner.
The sets with pre-mounted and adjusted muting sensors including wiring can be easily screwed on to the side of the MLD sensors and the cables can be connected to the local connection box.
Without a PC, using only the wiring in the cabinet, the user selects one of 6 possible muting modes as needed (parallel, sequential, partial) – and the muting solution is ready for use.
A muting indicator is already integrated into the device (optional). A 3-beam transceiver, which only has to be electronically connected on one side, can easily replace more complex transmitter-receiver systems. This solution, with Performance Level PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1, can be used in refrigerated areas with temperatures down to -30 °C.