New Application Catalog for Force and Torque Sensors
In the new application catalog "Force and Torque Sensors for Monitoring Production, Assembly and Testing Processes" Kistler presents its product portfolio of sensors, systems and accessories and the areas of application for piezoelectric force and torque measurement in assembly and testing processes.
Practical examples featuring installation diagrams, measuring systems and analyses provide an insight into force and torque measurement in joining, assembly and testing processes. This includes the use of force sensors during press-in processes, set force monitoring during PCB assembly, monitoring of steering column assembly and testing of ignition and manometric switches.
Single and multi-component force sensors, torque sensors, strain sensors, cables, charge amplifiers, control monitors and corresponding accessories are compiled, speci-fied, illustrated and described in extensive, concise tables.
Kistler Instrumente AG
Kistler’s core competence is the development, production and use of sensors for measuring pressure, force and acceleration. Kistler’s know-how and electronic systems can be used to prepare measuring signals for use in analyzing physical processes, controlling and optimizing industrial processes, improving product quality in manufacturing and improving performance in sports and rehabilitation
Kistler offers a comprehensive range of sensors and systems for engine development, automotive engineering, plastics and metal processing, installation technology and biomechanics.
A worldwide sales presence in the form of 18 group companies and 30 distributors ensures customer proximity, application support on an individual level and short lead times.
With a staff of 700, the Kistler Group is one of the world’s leading providers of dynamic measuring instrumentation. The Kistler Group achieved turnover of 160 million Swiss Francs in the 2005 financial year.