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New controller with larger pressure range and additional test applications

New controller with larger pressure range and additional test applications

26 November 2015

WIKA:In the CPC6050, WIKA is introducing a new modular pressure controller with enhanced performance capabilities. The successor to the CPC6000 offers an extended pressure range of up to 210 bar and new test applications: leak testing, switch testing and burst testing.

The intuitive CPC6050 is available with a maximum of two independent channels, each of which can accommodate up to two internal pressure sensors. Optionally, there is a version with a single output for a simultaneous access to both channels. The switchover takes place automatically via the AutoChannel function. As a result, the operator achieves a wide dynamic pressure range of 400:1.

With an accuracy of up to 0.01 % IS-50, the CPC6050 is primarily suitable as a reference instrument for calibration laboratories and production processes. Due to the AutoChannel function and a high control stability of < 0.003 % FS, it is also an ideal solution for calibration and test applications in healthcare and in the aviation industry. The new controller communicates with other instruments, depending on selection, via IEEE-488, RS-232, USB (optionally with WiFi adapter) or Ethernet.

  • WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG
    Alexander-Wiegand-Str. 30
    63911 Klingenberg
    Germany / Europe
    Tel.:+49 (0) 9372/132-0
    Fax:+49 (0) 9372-406
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