New texense® THN4x-CAN-24 multichannel digital conditioner for thermocouple probes
Texys International, French leader in high performance embedded testing sensors, is proud to announce the release of an optional version of its well-known 4 ways thermocouple Amplifier THN4x-CAN.
Based on the same design, the new THN4x-CAN-24 thermocouple conditioner features a 24 Volt supply enhancing its use to industrial purposes.
As per the 12V version, any type of junction is available, K, J, T…. as well as different temperature ranges.
On the CAN side, several parameters are user configurable: Baud-rate, emission frequency, ID, °C/°F.
The product is designed for embedded testing application as well as for tests bench purposes : in line compact housing, operating temperature range from – 20°C to + 100°C.
Texys international has been developing for more than 15 years a range of sensors suitable for embedded Testing for Racing, Automotive and Aeronautics applications.
The new THNx4-CAN-24 conditioner is a logical step of our expertise in miniaturized sensors dedicated to embedded testing in harsh environment and when space is limited.