The preparations for the SENSOR+TEST 2020 in Nuremberg were already in top gear. From the 23rd to the 25th of June, 2020, the call was supposed to be “Welcome to the innovation dialog!” Regrettably, like many other trade fairs, the SENSOR+TEST will not be held this year. This is because of the continued development and existing critical risk inherent in the Covid-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2). The circumstances have led to the prohibition of public events in Bavaria, where the SENSOR+TEST thus cannot take place.
This year experts will regrettably not be able to meet for their intensive exchange of ideas at the worldwide most important industrial fair for sensor and measuring technology in Nuremberg. Due to the injunction against major public events in Bavaria (Germany) until 31 August 2020, the SENSOR+TEST 2020 was now consequently prohibited as well. “Our team has fought tooth and nail to carry out the SENSOR+TEST 2020,” said organizer Holger Bödeker. “Nevertheless, the event can unfortunately not take place. event.” This was a difficult decision, but necessary for the protection of the populace and the health of the visitors and participants of the fair. The two conferences that were to be held parallel to the SENSOR+TEST, the SMSI 2020 - Sensor and Measurement Science International and ettc2020 European Test and Telemetry Conference, also cannot take place. Holger Bödeker added, “We’d like to give special thanks to the many exhibitors, who wanted to show at the SENSOR+TEST 2020 and hoped and fought along with us for the event. Despite the global economic turbulences and worries, there were in fact very few cancellations. This is a great vote of confidence that we appreciate very much. Thus, Hall 1 as well as some topical and community stands were already booked out. This goes to show that the event continues to have a high significance in the planning and calendars of the enterprises.”
Despite the economic and political challenges of the coming weeks and months, the organizers are well aware of their responsibility for the most important platform for the entire system competence in measuring, testing, and monitoring tasks in all industries, as well as for the maintenance of this communication channel among exhibitors, scientists, and visitors. Therefore, regular newsletters describing exciting new products and technologies will be used to maintain the communication link. The continued presence in the social media channels and our digital information platforms will provide exhibitors and visitors the opportunity to carry on discussions on technological topics.
“We’ll see each other from the 4th to the 6th of May, 2021, at the next SENSOR+TEST for the Innovation Dialog,” says Holger Bödeker. “Stay in good health!” The trade fair will take place jointly with the SMSI 2021 - Sensor and Measurement International Conference and the PCIM Europe, as well as the SMTconnect.